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On the road to COP16: Ecocitizen is proud to sign the global “Business for Nature” Agreement

Stepping forward to be a leader amongst 130 companies worldwide to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030. 

Along with more than 130 other businesses, we’re calling for renewed policy ambition on Nature.

100 days before the start of the UN Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity (COP16), it is an honour for EcoCitizen to announce that we have signed the Business for Nature declaration, an agreement that brings together over 1400 companies from 70 different countries to call on governments to adopt immediate policies that will help stop and reverse the loss of nature in this decade.

Business for Nature is a global coalition of companies and financial institutions with combined revenues of $1.1 trillion, driving credible business action and ambitious policies to achieve a positive economy for all and in harmony with nature by 2030. 

At EcoCitizen, we’re committed to taking a leadership role in the private sector as a scientific organization, promoting true sustainability that allows us to operate within the limits of the planet.

"We are excited to join this global movement because we believe that businesses have a major role to play in supporting the implementation of policies to protect, restore and achieve sustainable use of natural resources for all in this decade".

In this regard, Adriana added that advancing the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) for the first time since its adoption by the global community at COP 15 is one of the challenges of this decade.  “The planet is approaching the point of no return, so initiatives like this one represent the serious commitment that every company must make to find and implement real alternative solutions to restore our relationship with the environment”, said González.

Policy recommendations for governments to implement the Biodiversity Plan

The Business for Nature coalition has developed 20 specific policy asks on how governments could implement the level of ambition called for by business through the Biodiversity Plan. These range from banning conversion in specific key protected areas to transitioning to regenerative agricultural models and adopting a global plastics treaty. The more detailed policy calls complement the high-level recommendations of the business statement, which make the case for this set of specific measures to reshape our economic and financial systems.

EcoCitizen will intensify its efforts in the coming weeks to take a leadership role in these policies and continue to work for true sustainability in the private sector.. “We hope that more companies will join this collective effort to positively influence global policies,” Gonzalez emphasized.

A Common Commitment

While there are numerous individual initiatives around the world on behalf of the planet, voluntary action alone will not be enough. That is why Business for Nature has called for the creation of this coalition to call for immediate leadership from governments in seeking policies, incentives and legislation that will drive a concrete agenda to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030. Gonzalez also recalled EcoCitizen’s vocation to help companies know how to integrate nature into the core of their business strategies and operations.

"100% of global GDP depends on nature and on biodiversity. Without it, there is no economy. This commitment is a direct response to the urgent call to protect and restore biodiversity, reduce the loss of natural habitats and promote sustainable resource use".

Join the Movement

Every action counts on our way to a more sustainable and balanced world. Don’t waste time and join us and Business for Nature in this joint effort for a sustainable future, where economic prosperity and nature conservation go hand in hand.

From EcoCitizen, we will share our research and development updates and collaborate with other stakeholders and experts to push for more genuine sustainability in the private sector. 

Getting ready for COP16!

We are also excited to announce that Ecocitizen plans on attending the UN Conference of the Parties (COP16) to be held in Octubre 2024,  in Cali, Colombia. It will be an honor and a pleasure to support delegates, research colleagues, civil society, and NGOs, as well as meet with the other signatories of the Business for Nature business statement to be active players in the discussions on biodiversity and global sustainability.

If you want to know more about our participation in the COP,  we invite you to subscribe to our Newsletter.

See you at COP16! 

EcoCitizen is a government accredited private research institute with various R&D projects in biodiversity, nature, and planetary health, bringing together multidisciplinary scientific research and inquiry that looks at the state of the art of the field as well as the development of high-impact technologies.

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